Tuesday, April 6

Hyphen, God of Mirage

DuCharmed, we're sure

From: "bob_at_snee.com"
Date: Mon Apr 5, 2004 1:04:18 PM US/Pacific
To: teeth_at_buzzkiller.net
Subject: world-class value-added hyphenation
Reply-To: bob_at_snee.com

See this press release:

Whoever wrote it did some did world-class, high-quality, content-centric, enterprise-class, mission-critical, leading-edge, world-leading, value-added work.

I swear, every one of those is actually used in the press release--some more than once. (As a game, find which one is used more than once *in the same paragraph*.)

stay vigilant,
Bob DuCharme

[ed. note: we sense an up-welling of non-sense as the technology start-up scene begins to stir again with new money. We welcome it.]