From: Lori Wilson
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 14:48:30 -0500
Subject: submission
How about "revolutionary?" We nixed that word in an ad we were editing today. It really seemed overused to us and, if you have to say something is revolutionary, it probably isn't -- or you probably haven't kept up with your competition.
Thank you,
Lori Wilson
From: "Des Walsh" (Australia)
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 17:22:50 +1000
Subject: going forward
going forward
as in
we expect significant upside going forward
they mean
we want you to believe we are going to make a profit next year even though
you know we've been losing money hand over fist for the past two years
What ever happened to
in future
next year
and so on?
Des Walsh
The WebArts Company
Sydney, Australia
[editor's note: lots of submissions from Down Under. we *love* the Aussies and Kiwis]
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 14:05:22 +1000
To: teeth@buzzkiller.net
Subject: word watch
I'm at B. School in Australia and send a regular email out to friends with my fav. outrageous jargon...i won't bore you with the usual (leverage etc).
My favourite past time at the moment is trying to use B. School jargon in everyday language. It's a hoot.
Here's some from the hit list:
"water-involved" - the water-involved are people who either own a filtration device and/or drink bottled water, but are NOT happy with the quality.
"effort neutral" - someone who does no goddamn work in a B. School syndicate group
"focuses on own scope" - as above
"at the end of the day" - good lord I'm sick of hearing this hackneyed phrase
"white/gray space" - eg The premise underlying the development of xxxStrategy is that "white/gray" space exists in the market around the provision of xxx services to mass/mass affluent customers and that xxx has competitive advantages and greater reason to tackle the opportunity.
interpretation (i think)
white space - market is wide open
gray space - it sort of isn't
"optimal abandonment rate"
"timing difference" - this was actually said by an Australian chairman asking his CEO "whether there was reason for concern about company cash flow or whether it was just a timing difference."! That is are we going down or are you just "technically" insolvent...
Best regards
Nicole Williamson
"talking cock" - means using B. School jargon
[ed. note: also describes a person who uses b. school jargon]
From: Tom Ziegler
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 11:43:05 -0500
Subject: From the Do not Eschew Obfuscation Department:
I ran across this little gem while cruising the wires. I'm a writer for
Hoover's, which is a business information Web site. While I never get
pitches from pr twinks, I do have to navigate the goobbledy-gook of press
releases. Noticing the headline of the following release, I wondered just
what Avery Dennison does. A quick scan to the fourth paragraph revealed
that the company is "a global leader in pressure-sensitive technology and
innovative self-adhesive solutions for consumer products and label
You make stickers, you jerks.
Tom Ziegler
Trade and Consumer
Hoover's Online
From: "Guy Clapperton"
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 17:18:49 +0100
Subject: Submission
So I get this voicemail yesterday offering me some 'exclusive research' from Unisys. They're doing one to ones on Thursday and Friday. And they call back today.
Me: I'm confused, in what way is this exclusive if they're doing one to
They: Well, Unisys has commissioned this research (READS CORPORATE SPIEL WITH NO ATTENTION TO MY QUESTION).
Me: And 'exclusive'?
They: Well, (NAMES TWO TITLES) have it at the moment so it's under embargo until 8 June when they come out, and after that it's up for grabs.
Me: So in other words you're offering exclusive research, but basically it's exclusive to someone else...
And they still didn't understand why I might not be interested.
Guy Clapperton
From: Chris Bell
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 16:30:17 +1200
To: teeth@buzzkiller.net
Subject: Going forward
Greetings, Buzzkillers.
Do people over there say "going forward" when what they really mean is "at some unspecified time in the future"? I'm afraid New Zealanders appear to have picked it up from visiting US business people. It drives me nuts. Certain Martin Amis novels apart, time only moves in the one direction: Forward.
I thus nominate "going forward" for inclusion in the hallowed ranks of Buzz.
Chris Bell
MIS (Managing Information Strategies)
Fairfax Business Media
New Zealand
From: "Malecek, Chris"
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 08:06:28 -0500
To: "'teeth@buzzkiller.net'"
Subject: Monument to Mendacity
The news release from Qwest announcing Nacchio's demise. Wow. The quotes
from Joe are priceless. He's proud of all that he's accomplished (would
that be the 92% decline in the stock, the $26.6 billion in debt or the SEC
investigation into accounting practices?)
By the way, it probably wasn't Qwest that insist Joe maintain his residency
in New Jersey -- and I'll bet he wasn't flying home on United.
Joe Nacchio said, "I am proud of all that we have accomplished in bringing
Qwest to this point. After criss-crossing the globe for five and one-half
grueling years to build Qwest, living in two different cities, and having
achieved our major goals, I have expressed my desire to spend more time with
my family and pursue other opportunities."
Nacchio continued, "The company's fundamentals are strong and it will have
enormous opportunities in the period ahead as Qwest reduces debt and as the
regional economy recovers. Operationally, Qwest's local service results are
at record highs, long-distance approval is within reach and Qwest has the
infrastructure in place to serve its growing market share in enterprise
accounts and to offer long-distance in its region almost immediately after
approval. I look forward to assisting in the transition."
From: "David Kleinman"
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 17:49:05 +0000
To: teeth@buzzkiller.net
Subject: Keeping it unreal
Oh, come now. At least half of the buzzwords used by publicists, hacks and
corporate flacks come from the de facto publicists, hacks and corporate
flacks who call themselves journalists. If you'd spend more time reading
something other than press releases, you'd know that it's the media itself
that has become a prime incubator for jargon and fluff. Just watch the
Washington press corps lob soft balls at the so called president after one
of his so called press conferences. Do something to help restore real
journalism - and the buzzwords will take care of themselves. This nitpick
aside, I find your site amusing, in an annoying sort of missing-the-point
sort of way.
From: "Christopher Davis"
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 16:55:36 -0400
Subject: next level -- argh!!!
re buzzboard:
what about "next level"? argh!!! CD